AM Yö 2014, Uusimaa ja Varsinais-Suomi (2014-09-17)
Kategorija: Tävling
Žemėlapis/vietovė: Rövarberget
Organizatorius: HIKI + Fiskarin urheilijat
Šalis: FI
Rungtis: Night
Atstumas: 9.94 km
Laikas: 66:09
Vidutinis pulsas: 172
Maksimalus pulsas: 185
Mistake to control 10, intended to run to track and take control from above, stayed instead on newly run track in forest going straight, the slope felt very odd around the control, was not able to make sense of it, felt like the map was out of sync with terrain. Noticed reflection and was lucky to find the control without more time lost. Stupid extra curve to 11th and 14th controls. Can't really explain... Tired, lack of attention. Otherwise very good and happy with my run, legs felt really good.
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AM Yö 2014, Uusimaa ja Varsinais-Suomi (2014-09-17) AM Yö 2014, Uusimaa ja Varsinais-Suomi (2014-09-17)