Fin5 Day 2 - DisasterDay (2014-07-07)
Típus: Tävling
Térkép/terület: Kumpuvaara 1 - JJ 0
Versenyforma: Long
Táv: 12.45 km
Idő: 112:06
Átlag pulzus: 152
Maximális pulzus: 179
I hope you are entertained, I did not enjoy this day very much. Made a very small detour at the first control, could not read map/terrain. Stopped just after the control to show a little crying girl where she was on the map. Would have needed someone myself at the next control... Tried to push it too hard again, everything clear as day until I started climbing the hill through the green shait where I didn't take a proper direction with compass. Came straight to the small track down the hill, met two runners from my class coming from the other direction, thought they are going to control 3. Read map, when the ditch parallell to the track turns into the forest I'll straight up the hill, at this point I'm already outside the god damned map. Lost 16minutes to this one... Estimate I'd lost about 1 ½ minutes due to lower pace if I'd found it straight away. F**K!! Lost the will to live after this, did the rest of the course with walking pace, average heart rate today about 154, compared to 171 which was the lowest average of the other 4 days... May have crosse the swamp at a sligthly elegal point (*whops*). 7th control again very diffuse... Massive mistake again to control 9. In my opinion rather diffuse area, the control point was ridiculously small and invisible from above. The rest went smoothly but slowly. Expected to be lower on the results today.
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Fin5 Day 2 - DisasterDay (2014-07-07) Fin5 Day 2 - DisasterDay (2014-07-07)