Natt FM Betoni 2 (27.09.2014)
Kategorie: Tävling
Mapa/oblast: Tanhuvaara
Pořadatel: Olavin Rasti
Země: FI
Disciplína: Night
Skutečná délka: 11.87 km
Čas: 89:11
Prům. tepy: 167
Max. tepy: 183
Don't eat hevy meals before run, not even 3 hours before... Made a classic beginners mistake from control 8, left in the wrong direction, 180 degrees... Lost 3min there. Never realized how close I was to control 11, lost 7min there.
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Natt FM Betoni 2 (27.09.2014) Natt FM Betoni 2 (27.09.2014)